Ogre Chieftain Designed by Dark-Art-Studios

I wanted to do an Original Ogre with a Norse type style.. the scale will fit in with the GW Ogre range so he could be used as an alternative character model.. -Byron

ogre chieftain

Miniature specs

Description: kit consisting of 4 parts.

Parts include:
• 1 body/throne piece

• 1 sword arm

• 2x horns

Mini height: approx 40mm [head to foot].

Material: High quality Resin [Ivory].

Designer: Byron Townshend.

Modeller notes:

Basic sculpting techniques required to build the model include filing, gluing and filling in joints and any air bubbles acquired during the casting process.

Price: 19.99

if you would to order or stock this item direct from Dark Art Studios please e-mail.

ogre chieftain


Modellers Notes

anybody who has brought a Forge world model should be aware of these points when painting/modelling a resin component, if your new to resin miniatures pls read carefully...

after the molding process the component may need some refining by either sanding/filing of the flash moldline or filling of air bubbles with green stuff/pro-create [modelling putty] please follow these steps when working with resin.

Resin dust can be harmful if inhaled. Always wear a dust mask or respirator when sanding or sawing resin parts.

Resin is different to the plastic used in GW kits. Plastic glue will not be successful in adhering resin. superglue would be the best thing to use.

  >When painting/modelling miniatures a good light & music always helps... its also important to remember to take regular breaks to eat/drink and rest your eyes<

Watch out for future releases from Dark Art Studios...

if you have any questions pls get into contact

cheers Byron



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