*Working on your models.
Here is a few tips that mite help when prepping and painting your resin & metal cast models.
- clean up maybe required on some models, excess sprues can be removed using clippers, a modelling saw maybe required on thicker areas, if using blade always cut away from you.
- you maybe required to sand some of the mold-lines on the minis. I would advise using a dust mask when working with resin & metal, fine sand paper or metal modelling files work best.
- There is no need to wash your metal models but we recommend washing you resin kits with warm soapy water.
- air bubbles/gaps can be filled with modelling putty like magic sculpt which can also be blended into the model using water. You can use super glue with a quick setting spay, but some gaps may require using putty for best results.
- if you require bending resin model into pose.. use hot water or hair dyer this will soften the model so you can manipulate it.
- use a good primer on the models, thin coats are better than 1 thick one. We recommend a technique known as under painting. where you first spray your model using a dark primer say grey or black then do a mist/light coat with the spray from above using a lighter primer light grey/white. this will bring out the details of the model and give you a nice base to start layering your colours
- we recommend acrylic paints such as Vallejo, Reaper’s master series paints or the army painter range. again thin coats are better than a thick one!
- Finally to protect your models we recommend flat matt varnish there are several different brands you can use we recommend Winsor & Newton professional matt varnish which give great results, remember thin coats! 😉

I hope some of those pointers will help when modelling/painting your models. if your really not happy with your casts please get into touch before attempting any work. e-mail studiodarkart@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing some photos. Instagram #darkartstudios @darkartstudios or you can join the dark art studios Facebook group page and share your work there.
Enjoy painting your models!